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Writing Cues – 21 April 2021

Imogene’s Writing Cues blog is a general assist for authors. It focuses on planning, organisation and the craft of publishing.

Today I plan to talk about the 5 most useful tools I have on hand when writing. 

(Now, this is not exhaustive and I’d love to hear what you use too!)

Tool number one – Lists

Lists on the wallI’m a list maker from way back. Whether it’s what I have planned to release, edit and write this year to what is listed on my 3 year plan. I write it out, print it and stick it on the wall where I can see it. 

Tool number two – Vellum

Now, I know there are conflicting ideas out there as to the best formatting program for authors. I personally love Vellum. I’ve been using it for years and I love the stability of it, along with the ability to begin files as I start writing books, I can copy/paste whole chunks of information including my Also By and About the Author pages between files. I love the ability to add a personalised title page and with the latest round of improvements, the interface and output is getting better and better. 

Purchase it upfront once, and never have to pay again. (I’ve used it for in the region of 30 books – mine and other people’s) and it’s magic!

Tool number three – Prowriting Aid

Yep, this one does cost and you can do a lifetime subscription (in my plans for next year) because it allows me to choose what kind of writing I want to use it for… Is it as an author? Cool, it has those presets that make it easy to use. For academia? (Yes, this is also where I’m at) and I can use it in this arena too. It also has a plagiarism checker (you get a few free, then have to purchase the credits, but it keeps me in line!) 
It’s cheaper than many others in the market too. There’s an interface with word (which I’m not so keen on because my poor computer struggles with the overload at this point!) You can also do a free trial!

Tool number 4 – Dictionary/Thesaurus

Yep, on the shelf or on the computer? Doesn’t matter. A good dictionary and thesaurus can regularly save your bacon when looking for a word or checking for meaning. (And sometimes checking on spelling too!)



Tool number five – Blog Diary

Now, as you know, I blog all year round. But keeping it straight? Well, without my handy planner/diary I’d mess up dates, double book and who knows what else. I’ve shared images before of it… Bought the file at Etsy and reprint it annually and slide it into my folder. 

I hope this look into my planning/writing regime helps. Tell me what you use, as I’m always looking for ways to do it better.

You can do it!

Imogene Nix

Imogene is published in a range of romance genres including Paranormal, Science Fiction and Contemporary. She is mainly published in the UK and USA.

In 2011, Imogene Nix (the pen name not Imogene herself) was born. Imogene sat down and worked tirelessly for 3 months culminating in the books Starline, which became the first in a trilogy titled, “Warriors of the Elector.”

Imogene has successfully been contracted for over twenty-five titles.  She has also completed several others. In 2017 Imogene decided to self publish most of her further works – a plan which is due to come to fruition in 2022!

Imogene is a member of a range of professional organisations world wide, and believes in the mantra of mentoring and paying it forward.

She loves to drink coffee, wine & eat chocolate and is parenting her spoiled dog and a ferocious cat along with her husband and 2 human daughters.

With Suzi Love, Imogene released Self Publishing: Absolute Beginners Guide and as Ciara Cave she has released Book Sighings for Absolute Beginners to assist beginning authors on the road to success.

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